Sunday, August 2, 2009

a report about China under web 2.0

Recently, I have read an article talking about the status of China under web 2.0. Dr. Dennen also mentioned some reports about this issue. Those reports have totally opposite opinion. The western media think Chinese government has the control 2.0. However, the new report demonstrates an accurate picture of China under the influence of web 2.0. It compared the past 10-year change happened in China.
10 years ago, China was really on control 2.0 stage. All the media in China were blog to the government. Internet was also controlled by government. In the police office, there was a bureau in police office monitoring the internet utilization. I just remembered when I was in the university, there was a student who posted some reports about Chinese government. He was finally got to the police office to "have some tea".
With the development of China, the status is much more better right now. I just provide a real case here. About one year ago, a video appeared in a video-sharing website which is hosted by Chinese and is similar with youtube. In the video, a government officer was flirting with a girl who is under 14. The officer was totally aggressive and said he had lots of money. The internet users were all upset about the video. They decided to find out who the officer was. Finally, the officer was found and sent to jail. This is the real China.

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