Doing the research before you believe the "expert"
- background check
- related information gathering
- peer evaluation
- personal communication
I think the assessment could vary in different settings. In the web era, you could not observe the behaviors of the person. The only way to evaluate the expertise of a person is based on your own opinion. Even though there are lots of approaches to achieve the information, I think we should be careful about the assessment. Just a real case.
Last year, there was a scandel happened in China. Zhenglong Zhou, a famer in Shanxi Province, posted a series of photos of wild South China tiger online. Accroding to the report, this kind of tiger has been extinct for three years. Hence, his posting got all the people's attentions. He even was regarded as a hero. Shanxi Province invested tons of money to look for the wild tiger. Unfortunately, some internet users critisized the accuracy of the pictures. Some people thought Zhenglong Zhou made over these pictures using photoshop. There was a serious debating around this topic. To be honest, there were lots of political issues which led the local government lost in the assessment. After several months' debating and investigation, these pictures were approved to be fake.
In this story, I just want to say, with the development of technologies, the accuracy of the information and the expertise of the expert has become difficult to evaluate. We should be much more careful to believe the expertise.