Saturday, July 11, 2009

twitter VS facebook

In the last 2 weeks, we have mentioned some technologies beneath web 2.0, for example, blog, wiki, twitter, facebook......etc.
I have used lots of techs, except twitter. I know twitter. But I don't have experience with it. I don't know the unique feature of it.
For me, a successful website, or service must have at least one unique feature to attract the users. If another company wants to publish a similar competitive product, it must illustrate it has some other unique and strong function. For example, Google is a famous searching engine. Microsoft provides Bing to compete with it since bing emphasizes not only on searching, but also on decision making.

Twitter and Facebook, as two of the biggest social networking, must have their own unique features.
After reading some articles, there are some differences being demonstrated.
1. the relationship between people are different
2. the user communities are different
3. the application tools are different, eventhough right now twitter has opened its appl source for facebook to use.

How do you feel?


  1. Sophia, thanks for your sharing. I think Twitter and Facebook are two different tools. Twitter is a micro-blogging tool, and it more likes a mini blog.

  2. Hi Sophia - I noticed the differences between the relationships as well. On Facebook I have "friends" and we have a mutual sharing. My friends post, I can respond, I post and my friends can respond. With Twitter, there are 2 separate groups, the people you are following and your followers. There may be some overlap. You can message your followers and you can read the messages from the people you follow. The difference, I think is between heterarchical (FB) and hierarchical (Twitter)relationships.
    Just like in Facebook though, you are not really interested in joining Twitter until there are people on it that you want to connect with. I joined Twitter to experiment, and am slowly building a network. It is somewhat contrived though because as soon as this class is over, the network will be over.

  3. Hey Bijen and Eirin:
    You are right. Since I have not tried twitter, I could not identify the differences significantly. I know each company has its own point for business promotion. Look like, I need to try twitter for a while....:)
