Saturday, July 11, 2009

week2 produser

Eventhough I have no idea what produsage is, I have already used the related technology for a while. For example, last semester, on the organizational behavior class, our team used wiki for a base to complete our case study.
I originally want to talk about the detail of the wiki application, after reading Vanassa's posting about the government control 2.0, I want to write something about it.
It is the truth that China government has some control about the web 2.0 implementation eventhough the government did not admit they do so. This may be caused by the national conditions. The education level of Chinese people is not as high as in the developed contries. They are easy to be influenced by the external information. With the development of web 2.0 and related techs, any information could be published online and be accessed to all the users. If the user could not filter the wrong information and find out the right one, how could they do? How could the government do? For example, FalunGong, which is an illegal organization in China, broadcasts themselves online. They advocates people to suicide to sacrifice. At first, Chinese government did not control it, and tons of people was negatively influenced. Then the government got involved and filtered all the information about them.
I don't know how you guys could think about that. The human right in China is still on advancing. We need more time and more effort.


  1. Sophia - I really appreciate your point of view on this issue. We are outsiders looking in and filtering the information through our own experiences. You make some good points in your post. Thank you.

  2. Hey Eirin:
    thanks for your comment.
    Definitely, from different perspectives, we could see the world differently. Recently, I have read a report on Time talking about this violence in Xinjiang. They interviewed an "expert" about this problem in California. I just wonder if you don't experience it, how could you convince other. Right?
    Thanks for your comment again. I really enjoy in the same class with you. I love your performance in trends issues. You have lots of great ideas.

  3. Thanks for sharing your perspective, Sophia. And what a good reminder that so many of the people commenting on the issue are on the outside looking in and may lack full cultural understanding of a situation.
