Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The initial thought on Produsage 1

My initial thought about Produsage 1 is using Flickr to set up a picture sharing community (group).

The background: lots of classmates work as instructional desigers who need to use powerpoint or other tools to design curriculum both online and face-to-face. Inserting vivid pictures could make the product more attractive. Hence, editing pictures and looking for appropriate pics for our utilization will cost lots of our time. However, we could not use the pictures online all freely since lots of pics are protected by copyrights.

Eventhough there are lots of websites providing free pics, finding the most appropriate pics for specific purposes is not easy.

I am thinking setting up a community in which the classmates could share the picture storing in different categories, for example, business, academic, medical, etc. So that it could facilitate our real work.
Besides, if classmates are interested in Photoshop, we could also share the experience about PS. Everyone could comment and suggest about the picture editing.

How do you feel?




  1. Sophia,

    That soumds like a really cool idea! Finding clip-art can be a giant headache; it seems like it ie either protected, or you have to wade through lots of ads and registrations to find free imagery.

  2. Good idea. Of course, it would be dependent on the honor system for individuals to not upload images that could be copyright protected, e.g., those for which an individual does not have written permission to re-use.

    One thing that I've found -- because we deal with this a lot in my organization -- is that even though you may have permission to use a copyrighted image in one context (for training purposes, etc.), once you use another medium and "republish" the image, the rules/permissions change.

    Would uploading images to a shared website for all to use constitute re-publishing and, as importantly, does that change the context in which the original permissions no longer apply?

    This is a very tricky area.

    We wanted to use an image of a cover art for one of Count Basie's albums in a recent online presentation for our company's open enrollment/benefits workshops, When we requested permission to use -- and republish to our own internal "photo library", their one line response was "What is your budget?"

  3. hey slwarren:
    yes, definitely sharing picture could be a tricky area. That's also why I want to set up the community. My group is limited and just open for the group members, instead of for everyone on Flickr.
    I do know the copyright protection is very serious issue in U.S. Hope we could run the group legally. :)



  4. I like your topic for Produsage project. I already became one of followers of your flickr!!!
