Sunday, July 5, 2009

week 1---the general idea about web 2.0

Week 1
What have been your prior experiences with Web 2.0 technologies? Do you consider yourself a leader or follower in this realm, or something else altogether? Why? Also, discuss what you hope to get out of this class.

Even though I have used the web 2.0 technologies for a long time (wiki, blog, facebook, etc), to be honest, I could not define web 2.0 correctly. According to my opinion, the common technologies included in web 2.0, such as the blogs, the wikis, and the online communities, have been broadly spreaded and immersed into our lives quietly. In another word, web 2.0 has been popular without notification.
I could not just define myself as the leader or the follower. For me, it depends on the technologies and/or content. For example, for some unfamiliar topic, which I just read or watch , I am a follower. On the contrary, some topics which I am interested and familiar with, I will be fully engaged as a leader.
For this class, I have a great expectation. I hope to learn the basic principles of web 2.0, the issues and trends related to this topic, and the practices in this field. I hope not only have the interaction with the instructor, but also a peer-to-peer discussion with all the students to maximize the intelligence. This is also the core of web 2.0, right?


  1. I like your expression “web 2.0 has been popular without notification”. I think most of innovation has been being adopted quietly. That is why we need to open eyes widely as an innovative instructional designer. I do not think it is essential to define what web2.0 is (of course it is better to know, if we can). Rather, we must know how to use it. I think you were already the leader in using web2.0 !!!

  2. Thanks Woonjee.
    I totally agree on your idea on "open eyes". There are lots of techs which could not mastered by us comprehensively. However, at least we need to know its existence.
