Saturday, July 11, 2009

week 2 produsage

To be honest, I don't know what produsage is before reading the chapter. After reading that, I am not sure I have totally mastered the related knowledge, but I do get the general picture of produsage.
Maybe because of my science background, I don't like the textbook. I prefer direct and logical writing style. For me, it's easy to understand the term if the author provide a clear definition and some examples. In this textbook, the auther used lots of complicated words to illustrate such idea back and forth. This frustrated me. Actually, I skipped some information during the reading because it just duplicates a lot.

After reading, I have a big question here:
do you think defining the term and using the new terms are really important?
Maybe for the learners, it is not the most important part. But from the commercial perspective, maybe it is important. Advocating new terms means that you could earn some money from it? :)

How do you feel?

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